My Playlist

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Imagine the people you see every day right now, the people you would least expect not to see tomorrow. In a couple years, college will come and with it new friends and new experiences. The people you see every day in the halls; your friends, and some of them your best friends, will disappear from your life, each going their own way. You'll see them once every ten years at some random reunion, if that. These are the people you have grown up with and become friends with or even if you're not, there will come a time when many of them won't even cross your mind. The truth is, you'll see your best friends maybe once a year because time goes by so fast and everyone is so busy. Enjoy today and enjoy tomorrow because these days come but once in your lives. Be thankful for what you have and most of all for who you have in your life because life's plan for you may bring you away from these people. But no matter what anyone else says, and no matter what time can do, your heart will always bring the best back, and your memories with them will forever hold a place in your soul :')

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